PiPlanter 1

The first version of this project is done! Continuation of the work found: here

This page is a “project page” that contains every bit of work I’ve done leading toward this final post.


Update 1 – Transplanting Plants: I move the plants from the grid to pots.

Update 2 – System overhaul: Update the whole watering system, and add a camera.

Update 3 – Goals: Stuff I want to change about the project

Here is a playlist containing all of the videos I’ve done for this project.

Interfacing an ADC, Python, and MySQL [Documentation] – This first post explains a really basic way to get data from an ADC to a MySQL database using python. It is very rudimentary but works pretty well.

Graphing With PHP – This post was the first time that I used PChart to graph any sort of data with PHP. There is very little description on how this is done, but it’s covered in many later posts. The source code included works great but you will need to install PChart as detailed in the final post as listed above.

Graphing With PHP 2 – This is an expansion on the above post. Basically it uses pchart to graph some data from a MySQL database. This method works very well with the raspberry pi, even when the database has hundreds of values. This post is a good starting place for someone who’s beginning to graph data with PChart.

Going from analog data to the web using python, mysql and php – This is the first post with a video of this project. Essentially it brings the last 3 posts together and uses a python script to dump data from an ADC into a MySQL database, and then uses PChart to convert it to a graph which is then accessed by myself in a web browser. This is pretty much the “end” for the basic system that is used in this project. The only other edition from here is the twitter integration which us done through python.

Using APScheduler to get timed samples in python – So this post is where I figure out how to integrate APscheduler to the project. There is a much bigger explanation on why I like APScheduler so much in the final post but essentially it is amazing for doing things at specific times, or over and over again on an interval. This post developed into the main way that I sampled the sensors.

Basic package setup and bringing everything together – This is a pretty important post as it details everything you will need to get all of the previous posts working. It covers the installation process of several bits of software, and some very basic test code.

Graphing timed mysql data with pchart – This post is the first time that I let the system run to get a bunch of data, and graph it. It’s nothing that hasn’t been seen before, but it’s a great milestone.

Moisture detector and a few other updates – Like it says in this post, I’ve had this “idea” for a moisture detector for a long time, and this is the first time I’ve put it into action. You can also tell by the graph that it works! I ended up using the same design for the final version of this system, and excessively tested it in some later posts.

Planting Seeds! – This is an image based post, and it details the process of plating the seeds. In hindsight I planted way to many seeds.

Second round of data collection – In this post I go over the first long term round of data collection, and the creation of the new probes. If you are very interested in the way the probes are made and how they work, please please look at this post as it goes over the process very thoroughly.

Integrating twitter to the Raspberry Pi – So this is a pretty useful post for anybody that want’s to integrate twitter into their every day lives. Instead of setting up an email server, or some other kind of data pusher, I used twitter and the twitter api, and this is how I did that.

Bringing most of it together – This was the last post before the final one relevant to this project, and there aren’t that many new editions to either side of the code, except for the fact that this is the version of the python code were the flickr upload is handled.

If you have any questions please leave a comment below!

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